How We Do
At ART, we believe in collaborating and sharing our knowledge through events, activities, volunteering opportunities and trainings. Read to find out more about our past work!
Weekly GREduAction!
Gotong-Royong Education by Action (GREduAction), platformed on
Education for Sustainable Development, Placemaking, citizen-science and S.T.E.A.M approach
(Science | Technology | Engineeering | Arts | Mathematics) to educate the public on 'how' and 'why' we should converse, protect and rehabilitate the nature for sustainabale livelihood.

Volunteers from Methodist College Kuala Lumpur
Collaborations (Associations/Institutions)
STEAM Education integrates disciplines of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics to develop learners' capability to overcome 21st century challenges.
As our work is citizen-led and platformed on STEAM approach, we collaborate in differrent ways with differrent Association/Institutions of a particular skill sets for our work development including community collaboration with The Institutions of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), Malaysian Institute of Planners (MIP), Malaysian Institute of Architects, MyCreative Ventures (Malaysia's creative industry), to name a few..

Engineers from IEM
Collaborations (Corporate Community/CSR)
Working with multi-stakeholders corporate community help cultivate more opportunities, then enable us to progress on a wider scale on conservation and placemaking progress, as part of our River Three SDG Park development.

Team SWIFT Malaysia
Managed Volunteer
At ART, we believe in collaborating and sharing our knowledge through events, activities, volunteering opportunities and trainings. Read to find out more about our past work!
Collaboration (Academia / Institutions)
Collaborations with Education sectors comes in many forms, from being a panel speaker for a subjetc matter, programme
co-ordinator, providing our platform for students to fulfill their community service hours/modules including University Capstone Project

Collaborations (Selangor Maritime Gateway)
ART is working closely with the Selangor Maritime Gateway (SMG); a fellow organisation determined to transform polluted Klang rivers in urban communities to a sustainable river economy.

Collaborations (CBO/NGO/Social Enterprise)
Working with an accredited social enterprise, aiming to support and educate communities with conservation movements, brought ample experience to ART's river restoration projects such as Upcycled by Fuze Ecoteer and Hara Makers, to name a few.....

But wait...
There's more!
Whether it stems from working collaboratively in projects or providing training programmes, we contribute to events and aim to educate our community with new skillsets and knowledge.
Edu-Walkabout / Talkabout
Just like tour guides, we excel at guiding enthusiasts and volunteers alike through our river parks while showcasing the many forms of biodiversity available. We encourage passionate individuals/groups to join us and learn more about the wondrous range of plants, animals and facts to discover!

Climate Action, Disaster Risk & Reduction Management, Circular Economy Place-based are some of the programmes we offered, and 'Kena Bamboo' Programme is one of our signature programmes we run with the schools

Be it World's Bees Day or any Festive season, we manage and co-organise events from Little River Festival in Taman Melawati to Klang River Festival at the mid and downstream of Klang river with the multi-stakeholder communities.

Training Programmes
Learn-by-doing, that comes from the experience of actually doing it, allow the participants to understand what works, what doesn't , why Nature doesn't need human but human needs Nature and the urgent need to normalise more green spaces/garden/park in the urban, schools and within the locality.